Fees for Individual Work (psychotherapy, counselling and coaching)
- Psychotherapy with trainee under supervision in the low cost clinic: £25
- Psychotherapy with a junior associate in the low cost clinic: £45
- Psychotherapy or supervision with a junior associate: £65
- Psychotherapy or supervision with associate: £75
- Psychotherapy or supervision senior associate: £85
- Psychotherapy or supervision with director: £105
Note that the first, assessment, session will normally last between 30 minutes to 50 minutes. All subsequent sessions will last 50 minutes, unless agreed otherwise beforehand.
If you are a member of a health insurance scheme, your fees may be reimbursable, but you may have to be assessed first by a consultant psychiatrist. This can be arranged by Dilemma Consultancy if necessary.
All appointments will normally be subject to full payment unless more than 48 hours notice is given of the cancellation.
NB: A trainee will be in training as a psychotherapist or psychologist; a junior associate will be a fully trained psychotherapist or counselling psychologist, but with less than 2 years experience; an associate will have between 2 - 10 years expereince; a senior associate will be fully trained with over 10 years experience. The directors have both been practising psychotherapy for over 30 years and are qualified as psychotherapists, psychologists, and counsellors.
Fees for Supervision
Each session:
- Individual supervision: as for individual therapy
- Group supervision (per supervisee): please contact us for an estimate
Note that the first, assessment, session will normally last between 30 minutes to 50 minutes. All subsequent individual supervision sessions will last 50 minutes and group supervision sessions, 100 minutes, unless agreed otherwise beforehand.
Fees for Lecturing
Professional conferences and postgraduate education:
- UK: £600 per half day or part thereof
- £750 per part of the day
- £1500 per day (excluding the evening)
- Conferences organized by charities: Fees negotiable
No charge will be made for travelling time, but actual travel costs, subsistence, and accommodation will be charged. Hotel and travel costs will be agreed beforehand whenever possible.